Strength coach

Victoria Williamson

Team GB Athlete, Bronze medallist and pocket rocket

Victoria has a passion to inspire through sharing her personal journey of sporting resilience - gained from over 10 years of representing Great Britain in two different sports. Competing in Track Cycling and Bobsleigh, as well as returning from a life threatening injury, gives Victoria a unique perspective on motivation and the importance of consistency. Driven by being the best version of herself, she hopes to support and help others to do the same, whatever the circumstances.

“Adversity introduces you to yourself. Be thankful for your struggle, because without it you wouldn’t have stumbled across your strength”

Sharing the same ethos as Simon and Kaysha, Victoria is a huge advocate for moving with great technique. Injury rehab has been a significant part of her life, and she has had to adapt to many mechanical changes due to two of her lower vertebrae being surgically joined together. Laying the correct foundations in order to have longevity to your health, and achieve your goals, is one of Victoria’s fundamentals.

“Remember why you started”

On the rare occasion Victoria is found outside of the gym, she’ll likely be found in a coffee shop. Connecting with others, great food, weekend walks… there isn’t much that Victoria doesn’t enjoy. Quite simply, she lives for the good vibe!